About Provider Information


Ohio SACWIS is used for managing information about any providers used by agencies throughout the State. These include home providers licensed by ODJFS as well as non-ODJFS providers, who are not licensed through ODJFS. This area of the system is also used to manage information for each PCSA, PNA, and PCPA operating in the State.

Displaying Provider Information

As an Ohio SACWIS user, you view information about active providers from the universal search feature, accessed from the search link at the top of the screen. An active provider is one whose services are activated in the system (the default state for new providers). This provider search function displays view-only, basic provider information, including the provider's name, address, type, status, members, and caregivers. The system displays this same information when you are looking for a provider whose services match a client's needs.

If you are a provider worker, you conduct your queries and manage provider information from the Provider tab. This tab displays your workload, which contains the providers to whom you are assigned. The workload leads you to the details of particular provider records, while the tabs on this secondary row allow you to perform other provider management activities, in accordance with your access rights. These activities include using the provider directory, as well as maintaining recruitment plans and events, inquiries, training, contracts, and agency certifications.

See Find a provider, View provider details or Match a provider service with a client.

Adding provider information

The method for adding provider information varies according to the type of provider.

Provider types

A single provider record may have multiple types, and each type has its own status. For example, you record one provider record for a hospital, then create provider type records for the pharmacy, medical clinic, counseling services, and so on. Each provider type record, in turn, has services associated with it. That is, you maintain only one provider record. When you conduct searches, you can look up a main agency and still obtain information about all the sub-agencies.

The system does not accept two records for the same provider. That is, a provider may not be certified by more than one agency.