Adding and Deleting Records


Records in Ohio SACWIS are added from within the functional areas. For example, new intake records are added from the Intake tab. Case records are added from the intake linking process. Person records are added from the intake, case, or provider records with which they are associated. New providers are added on the Provider tab, either through the provider inquiry process (ODJFS providers) or from the provider directory (non-ODJFS providers).  

The system always requires you to conduct a search before you add a new person or provider record, to prevent the accidental duplication of records in the system. If you discover duplicate records, contact your supervisor. Designated workers in your agency are able to merge duplicate records.


If a record can be deleted, a Delete link appears in the right-most column of the table that lists the record. This includes the tables that appear on list screens or on detail screens. In general, a record can be deleted until the final approval is saved. That is, the status of the record is "Draft," "In Progress," "Pending," depending on the type of record. An intake can never be deleted.

Often you are associating one record with another, in which instance you are deleting only the association. For example, you have associated the person profile of a case member with a case by "adding" the person to case. When you delete the case member, you are not deleting the person profile record, only the association between that person and the case.

The links below display summaries of what types of records may be deleted in the main areas of the system.



