Records in Ohio SACWIS are added from within the functional areas. For example, new intake records are added from the Intake tab. Case records are added from the intake linking process. Person records are added from the intake, case, or provider records with which they are associated. New providers are added on the Provider tab, either through the provider inquiry process (ODJFS providers) or from the provider directory (non-ODJFS providers).
The system always requires you to conduct a search before you add a new
person or provider record, to prevent the accidental duplication of records
in the system. If you discover duplicate records, contact your supervisor.
Designated workers in your agency are able to merge
duplicate records.
If a record can be deleted, a Delete link appears in the right-most column of the table that lists the record. This includes the tables that appear on list screens or on detail screens. In general, a record can be deleted until the final approval is saved. That is, the status of the record is "Draft," "In Progress," "Pending," depending on the type of record. An intake can never be deleted.
Often you are associating one record with another, in which instance you are deleting only the association. For example, you have associated the person profile of a case member with a case by "adding" the person to case. When you delete the case member, you are not deleting the person profile record, only the association between that person and the case.
The links below display summaries of what types of records may be deleted in the main areas of the system.
Work Item |
Delete? |
Comments |
Yes |
No |
Activity Log |
X |
The Activity Log record can be edited while in ”Draft” status. Once marked ”Completed,” the record can be amended by inserting a correction to the narrative. The original narrative is maintained in the Narrative History. |
Intake List |
X |
An intake can be unlinked when associated incorrectly. An intake cannot be unlinked from a case when it is the only intake associated with the case or if it has been associated to a piece of work. The only exception to this is Activity Logs with a status of completed. |
Safety Assessment |
X |
The Safety Assessment can be edited or deleted when the status is ”In Progress.” Once final approval has been saved, the record is frozen; the edit and delete functionality is no longer available. |
Safety Plan |
X |
The Safety Plan can be edited or deleted when the status is ”In Progress.” If an ”In Progress” plan has been associated with a Safety Assessment, then upon deletion the association is deleted along with all other Safety Plan details. This makes the Safety Assessment available to associate with subsequent Safety Plans. |
Family Assessment |
X |
The Family Assessment can be edited. Once final approval is saved, the record is frozen; the edit and delete functionality is no longer available. |
Ongoing Case A/I |
X |
The Ongoing Case A/I can be edited or deleted when the status is ”In Progress.” Once the Ongoing Case A/I has been sent for approval, it can no longer be deleted. |
Specialized A/I |
X |
The Specialized A/I can be edited or deleted when the status is ”In Progress.” Once the Specialized A/I has been sent for approval, it cannot be deleted. |
Law Enforcement |
X |
The Law Enforcement record can be edited or deleted by an assigned worker or supervisor. |
Justification Waiver |
X |
The Justification Waiver can be edited or deleted when the status is ”In Progress.” Once final approval is selected, the record is frozen; the edit and delete functionality is no longer available. |
Case Services |
X |
Only Case Service records in ”Needed” and ”Planned” status can be deleted. Services linked to an approved Family Assessment, Case Plan, Case Review, or Ongoing Assessment cannot be deleted. |
Court |
X |
Court records cannot be deleted, but can be marked as ”Record has been Created in Error.” |
Initial Removal |
X |
The Initial Removal record can be edited or deleted while in ”Draft” status. Once marked ”Completed,” the record is frozen; the edit and delete functionality is no longer available. A record can also be marked ”Created in Error.” |
Placement Request |
X |
Only Placement records with a status of ”In Progress” and no linked providers can be deleted. |
Placement |
X |
The Placement record can be edited or deleted while in ”Draft” status. Once the record is marked ”Complete,” the placement record begin and end dates can be edited. |
Visitation Plan |
X |
The Visitation Plan record can be edited or deleted while in ”Draft” status. When the record is marked ”Complete,” the Delete link is disabled and only the Visitation Plan end date and termination date can be entered. The Copy, View and Add buttons remain enabled on the Visitation Information screen. For any newly created Visitation Information records, the user is able to delete the information before saving the Visitation Plan record. |
Independent Living |
X |
The Delete link on the Independent Living Records List screen is available only when the status of the record is ”Pending.” |
Case Plan |
X |
Only Case Plans with a status of ”In Progress” can be edited or deleted by the caseworker. Supervisors, or Authorized Approvers, are able to edit upon receipt of the routed record, but will not be able to delete the record. Once final approval has been applied to the record, all information within the Case Plan will be frozen from edit capability. |
Case Review / SAR |
X |
Only Case Review / SAR records with a status of ”In Progress” can be edited or deleted by the caseworker. Supervisors, or Authorized Approvers, are able to edit the record upon receipt of the routed record, but will not be able to delete the record. Once final approval has been applied to the record, all information within the Case Review / SAR will be frozen from edit capability. |
Reunification Assessment |
X |
The Reunification Assessment can be edited or deleted while the status is ”In Progress.” Once final approval has been applied to the record, all information within the Reunification Assessment will be frozen from edit capability. |
Case Conference Notes |
X |
The Case Conference Notes record can be edited while in ”Draft” status. Once marked ”Completed,” the record can be amended by inserting a correction to the narrative creating an addendum. The original narrative is maintained in the Narrative Details screen. |
X |
The ICPC / ICAMA record can be edited or deleted when the status is ”In Progress.” |
Adoption |
X |
Once the ”Adoption” case has been created, it cannot be deleted or merged with another case. |
Case Closure |
X |
The Case Closure record can be edited or deleted while the status is ”In Progress.” Once final approval has been applied to the record, all information within the Case Closure record will be frozen from edit capability. |
Work Item |
Delete? |
Comments |
Yes |
No |
Recruitment Plan |
X |
The Recruitment Plan record can be edited or deleted when the status is ”In Progress.” Once routed for approval, the status changes to ”Pending Approval,” and only supervisors can edit or delete the record before routing it for further review or final approval. Plans with a status of ”Approved” may not be edited or deleted. If the routed task history action is in ”Denied” status, the recruitment plan status is updated to ”Denied,” and the plan cannot be edited or deleted. |
Recruitment Event |
X |
The Recruitment Event record can be edited at any time by workers with the appropriate security profile. The Recruitment Event record cannot be deleted once a participant is associated with the recruitment event. The delete link is disabled. The delete link is also disabled when the question ”Was the event held?” is answered (by selecting either the ”Yes” or ”No” radio buttons). |
Inquiry |
X |
The Inquiry record can be edited until one of the following decisions is recorded: ”Screened In-Application Received,” ”Voluntarily Withdrawn,” or ”Create in Error.” At that time, the record is frozen; the edit and delete functionality is no longer available. |
Training Sessions |
X |
The Training Sessions record can be edited or deleted while in ”Draft” status. Once the record status is updated to ”Complete” and the record is saved, the record is frozen; the edit and delete functionality is no longer available. |
Agency Certifications |
X |
Only State Licensing Specialists have the ability to add Agency Certifications in the system. All fields (except the Certification Status field) are frozen when the Agency Certification status is changed to ”Certified.” The only values that remain in the Certification Status field are ”Certified” and ”Closed.” Function records cannot be added, edited, or deleted on an approved certification record. When the Certification Status field displays ”Closed,” ”Denied,” or ”Revoked,” the entire record is frozen. (Upon choosing "Apply" the record is saved, but not frozen.) The Edit link does not appear on the list screen for the record once any of the above statuses are applied to the record. |
Activity Log |
X |
The Activity Log record can be edited while in ”Draft” status. The worker that created the Activity Log, and their Supervisor, can mark the record as "Complete." While the record is still in ”Draft” status, it can be deleted. Once marked ”Completed,” the record can be amended by inserting a correction into the Narrative. The original narrative is maintained in the Narrative History. |
Skills |
X |
Skill records can be added or edited. There is no delete capability. However, a user can remove all recently added skills, enter comments, and then save the record with no skills. |
Acceptance Criteria |
X |
The Acceptance Criteria record can be edited while the status is ”In Progress.” Once the record is linked to a Home Study and the Home Study has been approved, the record cannot be edited. The effective date will pre-fill with the current status date when the record is first created and saved. This date cannot be edited. When the Acceptance Criteria Record is created for a Non-ODJFS Provider, the Provider Worker will have edit capability of these fields. |
Description of Home |
X |
The Description of Home record can be edited or deleted prior to the provider home study being approved. Only the most recent Description of Home records not linked to a home study can be edited or deleted. |
Description of Family |
X |
Only the most current Description of Family (DOF) record (part of a Home Study) that has not been final approved can be edited. This links the DOF to the Home Study. Only users that are assigned to the Provider record and their supervisors can edit or delete the current DOF that is not yet linked to a home study. |
Home Study |
X |
Only Home Studies in a ”Pending Disposition” can be edited. A user can mark the disposition "Created in Error" to then copy the Home Study and start over. The date of the new Home Study must be after the date of the Home Study marked "Created in Error". |
Approval / Certification |
X |
All fields (with the exception of the Certification Status field) are frozen upon save of the Agency Certification when the Certification Status displays ”Certified”. The only values that will remain in the Certification Status field are ”Certified” and ”Closed”. Function records cannot be added, edited or deleted within an approved certification record, except by a State Licensing Specialist. When the Certification Status field contains either ”Closed,” ”Denied,” or "Revoked”, upon save or apply the entire record will be frozen. The Edit link will not appear on the list page for the record once any of the above statuses are applied to the record. After choosing "Apply," the record will be saved, but not frozen. |
Contracts |
X |
A Contract Record may be edited when its status is ”Active,” ”Pending,” or ”Payment Hold.” Once the record is ”Active” the user may change the status to ”Payment Hold,” ”Cancelled,” or ”Terminated Status.” The Original Contract Begin, Original End Date, and Original Contract Amount fields may not be edited. The status may not be changed to ”Pending.” When the record is updated to ”Cancelled” or ”Terminated Status” and saved, the entire record becomes read-only (including the Contract History page), and the end dates of all active cost records are updated with the current system date. Only records in ”Pending” status may be deleted. Once the record status has been updated to ”Active,” the record may not be deleted. |
Placements |
X |
The Placement record is view-only, with no delete or edit functionality on the provider record. |
CA/N Reports |
X |
CA/N reports are view-only, with no delete or edit functionality on the provider record. |
Rule Violations |
X |
When a Rule Violation incident record is marked ”Created in Error,” the record is frozen. The notation ”Created in Error” appears as the record ID on the provider record until a outcome is entered. The Rule Violation can be edited. Once a rule is linked and the record saved, the worker can edit and delete the rule linked, as well as add another one, but the whole Rule Violation cannot be deleted. |
Waiver / Variance |
X |
The Waiver / Variance record can be edited or deleted when the status is ”Pending.” A Waiver or Variance cannot be edited or deleted once an ODJFS response is recorded. |
Potential Matches |
X |
Potential Match searches are view-only. Search results can be printed in a report format. Results are removed from the screen when the record is closed. |
Type of record |
Work Item |
Delete? |
Comments |
Yes |
No |
Services |
X |
Can only obsolete a service. |
Statewide Ceilings |
X |
Can only end-date the service. |
Provider Ceilings |
X |
Can only end-date the Provider Ceilings. |
Service Authorizations |
X |
Can delete only if the service authorization record is in ”Pending” status.
New add-on per diem cost record |
X |
Removes the per diem cost record from the Per Diem Cost List. |
Payments |
Payments on a roster |
X |
Can delete a payment off of a roster if it has not been disbursed. Can add or append payments to the roster.
Disburse payments |
X |
Only payments that have not been disbursed can be deleted. |
Manual Payment Request |
Payment request detail screen |
X |
Only payments that have not been disbursed can be deleted.
Over payments and adjustments |
X |
The following option is in the process of being eliminated from the manual payment process in a future SACWIS build. Can delete when there are any action records more recent than the overpayment record. The system displays the message ”Action Details or Replacement records must be deleted before adjustment overpayment can be deleted.” If the only action record is already approved for payment, the system displays the message ”Cannot Delete, record already approved for payment.” If the action record was a result of a system-generated adjustment, the system displays the message ”Cannot Delete, System-generated adjustment.” Cannot delete an overpayment action if any other actions exist. Cannot delete or edit the amount of action if there is a payment approved for that action or any action after that action for the same adjustment payment ID.
Action Detail screen (The action screen is associated with payment request detail screen.) |
X |
The following option is in the process of being eliminated from the manual payment process in a future SACWIS build. Can delete when there are any action records more recent than an overpayment. The system displays the message ”Action Details or Replacement records must be deleted before adjustment overpayment can be deleted.” If the only action record is already approved for payment, the system displays the message ”Cannot Delete, record already approved for payment.” If the action record was the result of a system-generated adjustment, the system displays the message ”Cannot Delete, System-generated adjustment.” |
Agency Repayment Plan |
Termination of a repayment plan by a State worker |
X |
The Agency Repayment Plan can only be terminated, which means the record is frozen and the system will not allow the record to be updated in the future.
Child Benefits |
Account |
X |
Can only edit or update.
Benefits |
X |
Can only edit or update.
Eligibility |
Eligibility/reimbursability |
X |
Can delete only when the record is in ”Pending” status.
Adoption subsidies (all types) |
X |
Can delete only when the record is in ”Pending” status.
Medicaid eligibility and application |
X |
Can delete only when the record is in ”Pending” status. The system removes the pending Medicaid eligibility and Medicaid application records.
HMO enrollment |
X |
Removes the HMO enrollment record. |
Type of record |
Work Item |
Delete? |
Comments |
Yes |
No |
On-Call Employee |
X |
Can only end-date an On-Call assignment. |
Staff |
X |
Can only end-date or discontinue Ohio SACWIS access. |
Delegate Assignments |
X |
Can only end-date assignments. |
Agency Information |
X |
Can only inactivate an agency or modify existing information. |
Unit and Supervisors |
X |
Can only end-date supervisor records. |
Ticklers |
Agency modified tickler |
X |
Can only modify (escalation date) or inactivate an agency-modified tickler.
Mandated tickler |
X |
The tickler may be disposed. (See Manually dispose a tickler.) |
Broadcast Message |
X |
User Groups |
Employee's user group assignment |
X |
Security profile from an agency user group |
X |
Training |
Training plan |
X |
Can only close or modify a training plan or modify only.
Competency |
X |
Can only inactivate a competency. |