Find a Provider

All providers are stored in the Ohio SACWIS database. The amount of provider information you can view or update depends on whether you have been assigned full access rights to the provider record. Public agencies can view all providers and inquiries statewide, but private agencies that use Ohio SACWIS can see only their own providers and inquiries. (See About provider information or  Match a provider service with a client.)

Full access

If you are assigned to a provider, you can display the provider overview from your provider workload as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click the Provider tab.

  2. Click the Workload tab. The Workload screen appears.

  3. Click your name link.  The system displays the providers who are assigned to you.

  4. Click the Select link for the provider whose record you want to view. The Provider Overview screen appears. This screen contains links to a number of further actions that can be taken on the provider record.

    (If the provider is not in the system, see Add an ODJFS provider, Add a kinship provider or Add a non-ODJFS provider.)

  5. Click the Provider Information link in the Provider Actions field to view or update the provider's name, address, members, caregivers, or capacity.

  6. Click Save or Cancel to return to the Provider Overview screen.

  7. Click any one of the links in the navigation bar on the left to view or update information related to this provider.

Limited, View-Only Access

If you are not assigned to the provider, you can display basic provider information using the universal search feature or from the provider directory as follows. If you are conducting a provider search from another record, go to step 2.

  1. Click the Search header link, then click the Provider Search tab. The system defaults to the Provider Search tab; the Provider Search screen appears.

    Or if you work in the Provider area, click the Provider tab on the home screen, then click the Directory tab. The Provider Search screen appears.

  2. Enter search criteria.

    The quickest way to complete the search is to enter the Provider ID number if you have it. If not, you can search on the provider's name, category, type, and/or agency. When you click Advanced Search link, you can search by the provider's address, as well.

  3. Click Search. The providers that meet your criteria appear in the Provider Profile Search Results table.

  4. Click the Select link for the provider whose record you want to view. The Provider Overview screen appears. Click any one of the links in the navigation bar on the left to view or update information related to this provider.

    If you conducted the search from another record, you are returned to that record.