Unlink an Intake from a Case

If an intake was inadvertently linked to the wrong case, you can remove this link and create a new link to the correct case (if you have the security to unlink the intake). A screened-in intake must always be linked to a case.

You cannot unlink an intake from a case when:

When an Intake is unlinked from a case, the system does not modify any assignments that may have occurred after linking the intake to a case. See Assign a work item or workload if you need to change assignments as a result of the unlinking.

To unlink a case, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ohio SACWIS Home screen, click the Case tab.

  2. Click the Workload tab. The Case Workload screen appears.

  3. Open the list of cases under your caseworker name.

  4. Click the Case ID link for the case you want to unlink. The Case Overview screen appears.

  5. Click the Intake List link from the navigation bar on the left. The Current Case Episode Intake List screen appears. Any historical intakes will display in the Historical Case Episodes Intake List table.

  6. Locate the intake that was incorrectly linked to this case.

  7. Click the Unlink link to the right of the Agency Name column. The Unlink Intake screen appears with a summary of the intake.

  8. Verify that this is the intake you want to unlink.

  9. Click the Unlink button. You are returned to the Current Case Episode Intake List screen.