You generate the JFS 01443 Child's Health Information report or the JFS 01443 Child's Education Information report when a child is placed in a substitute care setting or at the time the case plan document is completed, whichever comes first.
The report is also generated whenever any of the following occur:
A case review is conducted
Any time there is a placement change
Any time there is a change in (or update to) the health or education information
You provide the completed report to the custodian, parent, guardian, the pre-finalized adoptive parent (if applicable), and the substitute caregiver. These people also receive all subsequent updates when the case plan document is completed or within seven calendar days after you have received the information and recorded it in the system.
You should also provide foster children who are aging out of the system with a copy of the JFS 01443 report (free of charge) and document the activity in the case record.
Designated agency personnel may determine that sharing information in the report may result in adverse or negative consequences to the child. In this situation, you may delete from the report information that identifies the school the child currently attends or the child's medical provider. If you do this, you must record a full explanation for not sharing this information in the activity log. (See Record casework activity details.) This report is referred to as a "sanitized" report.
To generate the JFS 01443 report, complete the following steps:
From the Home screen, click the Case tab.
Click the Workload tab. The Case Workload screen appears.
Click the case ID Number link for the case you want to open. The Case Overview screen appears.
Click the Forms/Notices link in the navigation bar on the left. The Maintain Forms/Notices screen appears.
In the Forms/Notices field, select JFS 01443 - Child's Health Information or JFS 01443 - Child's Education Information.
Click the Select button. The Document Details screen appears. The Document History section displays each time this document was generated and saved to the Ohio SACWIS database.
To print an existing report, click on the report ID link.
Click Generate Report button. From the report information screen, select the report parameters from which to derive the report data.
For a "sanitized" report, select the check box next to Sanitize and enter an explanation in the Sanitization Reason field.
Click the Generate Report button. The document appears in a PDF file.
To change the parameters you used, click the Review Parameters button. Re-enter the parameters. Click the Generate Report button. The document appears in a PDF with the new parameters.
To save the document to the document history in the Ohio SACWIS database, click the Save button in the lower-left section of the screen.
To print the report, click the Print icon in the PDF tool bar, as shown below. Do not use the printing function on your browser tool bar or menu.
Click the Save icon on the PDF tool bar if you want to save the file for your own use. Remember, this does not save the document to the history in Ohio SACWIS.
The system does not save a report
or document to the history in the Ohio SACWIS database until
you instruct it to. This way, you can review it for correctness and re-generate
it if necessary before it is permanently saved.