Record a Child's Special Education Information

Process: Record an education profile

To record information about a child's special education, conduct a Person Search. From the Person Overview screen, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Education link above the row of tabs. The School Profile screen appears.

  2. Click the Special Education tab. A screen appears displaying the following sections:

Evaluation Team Report (ETR)/Multi-Factor Evaluation (MFE) History

Individualized Education Plan (IEP) History

Special Education Designation

Basis for Special Education Evaluation Determination

  1. To record a new MFE record, click the Add ETR/MFE button. The ETR/MFE Information screen appears.

Click the Edit ETR/MFE Completed date to update an existing record.

  1. Complete the fields on this screen.

  2. Click the Save button.

  3. To record a new IEP record, click the Add IEP button. The IEP/504 Information screen appears. You must complete the Originating School District field on this screen in order to save the record.

Click the Edit link next to the Plan Type to update an existing record. The IEP Information screen appears.

To amend a completed IEP record, click the Add Amendment button. The Amendment Information screen appears.

  1. Complete the fields, then click the Save button.

  2. In the Special Education Designation area, select the check boxes that apply to this child and complete the narrative fields.

  3. In the Basis for Special Education Eligibility Determination area, select all Available Categories that apply.  

  4. Click the Add link. The categories will display in the Selected Categories table.  

  5. Click Save. You are returned to the Person Overview screen.

  6. Click Next Task below to see how to Generate a JFS 01443 Report.