The Employment link, Employment History screen is where you record a person's primary insurance provider information. If the insurance policy being recorded is the primary insurance for other members, those details will auto populate in their person record, on the Employment History screen in the Insurance Coverage through Others table.
To record primary insurance provider details, conduct a Person Search. From the Person Overview screen, select the Employment link from the left hand navigation and complete the following steps:
From the Employment tab, Employment History screen, click Add Insurance Provider button. The Primary Insurance Provider Details screen appears.
Enter the Insurance Provider name in the field provided. This is required to save the record.
In the Address field, click on the click Search Address button to populate the insurance provider address information.
In the Coverage Details table, enter the policy number in the Policy # and Group # in the fields provided if applicable.
Select the member's name who holds the policy from the Policy Holder drop down list. This is required to save the record.
Select the appropriate radio button to indicate if the policy is for Group Coverage or Individual Coverage.
Enter Policy Begin Date and check the policy to enter a Policy End Date in the field provided if one exists.
In the Available Policy Types and Available Medical Insurance Types tables, select all types that apply in each.
Click the Add link for those types selected in each table. The types selected appear in the Selected Policy Types and Selected Medical Insurance Types tables.
Answer the question, Coverage through Employment? This is required to save the record. If Yes, select the Employer name from the drop down field.
If others are covered under this policy, click Add Individual button to conduct a Person Search of those included.
Click Save. You are returned to the Employment History screen.
Click Close to return to the Person Overview screen. To record more financial information on the person record, select from the desired tabs next to the Employment tab.
Click Next Task below to continue.