a financial profile
The employment record includes the employer's name, address/contact information, and the dates of employment. From this screen you can also record the primary health insurance provider information, if it through employment, and who is covered on the policy. See, Record primary health insurance provider.
To record a person's employment history, conduct a Person Search. From the Person Overview screen, select the Employment link from the left hand navigation and complete the following steps:
Click the Add Employment button. The Employment Details screen appears.
Enter the person's employment Begin Date in the field provided. This is required to save the record.
Enter the person's employment End Date if recording historical employment details.
Enter the Employer name in the field provided. This is required to save the record.
To populate the employer address, click the Search Address button. The Domestic Address Search Criteria screen appears.
Enter the street number and name of the employer address in the Address Lookup field. The system uses Google functionality to locate the valid address.
Select the address that matches the entry.
Click Search. The search results displays in the Domestic Address Search Results table.
Click the Select link next to the employer's address. The system takes you back to the Employment Details screen and the employer address auto populates in the address field.
Optionally, you can select the Country from the drop down list; and enter a Description in the field provided..
Click the Save button. The Employment History screen appears.
Click Next Task below to continue.