A medical profile includes information about a child's health care providers, medications, immunizations, medical history, treatments, and so on. (See About medical profiles.)
To find a medical profile, conduct a Person Search. From the Person Overview screen, complete the following steps:
Select the Medical link from the left hand navigation. The Provider tab appears. This screen displays the child's health care provider history.
Click the Edit link to view the details of a particular record, then click Cancel to return to the Health Care Provider History screen.
Click the Treatment tab. The Medical Records screen appears. This screen indicates whether medical records are available for the child and displays a history of medical visits.
Click the Edit link to view the details of a medical visit, then click Cancel to return to the Medical Records screen.
Click the Medication tab. The Medications screen appears. This screen displays any medical prescriptions the child is taking or has taken.
Click the Edit link to view the details of a prescription, then click Cancel to return to the Medications screen.
Click the Immunization tab. The Immunizations screen appears. This screen displays any immunizations the child has received.
Click the Pregnancy/Parenting link. The Pregnancy/Parenting Information screen appears. This screen displays information about the mother's pregnancies.
Click the Health Insurance tab. The Health Insurance screen appears.
Click the View link to see the details of the insurance record, then click the Cancel button to return to the Health Insurance screen.
Click the Birth tab. The Birth screen appears. This screen displays the details of the child's birth.
Click Cancel. You are returned to the Person Overview screen.