Recruitment events are held on behalf of an agency or provider to recruit potential foster or adoptive parents. Although it is optional, recording recruitment event activities can help support the agency's future recruitment planning. Information you enter about recruitment events may be used in statistical reports.
To save time, you can copy an event from your agency or another, then change the details to describe the new event.
Record the details of a recruitment event as follows:
From the Home screen, click the Provider tab.
Select Recruitment. The system defaults to the Plan tab; the Recruitment Plan Filter Criteria screen appears.
Click the Events tab. The Recruitment Event Filter Criteria screen appears.
Enter the filter criteria. You can view all recruitment events for the agency selected, or narrow your view to events of a particular type or with certain effective dates.
Click Filter. The results appear in the Recruitment Events table.
To update an existing event record, click the Edit link for the event.
To create a new event record based on an existing one, click the Copy link for the event. All of the information from the original event is filled in on the new event record. You can change details as appropriate.
Click Add Event to add an event. The Event tab appears; with the Events screen displaying details on the event.
Complete the details of the event, including its type, name, dates, goals, description, location, and so on.
Click Save. You are returned to the Recruitment Event Filter Criteria screen.
To exit the screen, click the Home header link or other tab.
See also Record a recruitment plan and activities.