Record the Applicant's Household Members

Process: Record a provider inquiry

The Members tab is the first to appear on the inquiry screen. If this is an existing inquiry, the names of any household members appear in the Member List area. In Ohio SACWIS, a person profile is maintained for each provider member.

While the inquiry is in "Pending" or "Active" status, you can update the members attached to the inquiry.  

Record the member information as follows:

  1. From the Members tab, click Add Member to record a new member. The system takes you out of the inquiry record and into the Person Search function..

  2. Enter the member's name and click Search. The system looks for names that are similar to the one you entered and displays the names in the Search Results table.

  3. Click the Select link if the member is already in the system. The system returns you to the inquiry record. The person you selected appears in the Member List table.

    Or, click Add Person to create a new person profile if the member is not in the system. Enter the member's name on the person profile screen and click Save. The system returns you to the inquiry record. The person you selected appears in the Member List area.

    The Edit link next to the name the Member List takes you directly to the person profile record, which you can update from the inquiry record (until the record is complete).

  4. In the Role column in the Member List table, select the Member's role from the drop down.

  5. Click Apply.

  6. Click Next Task below to continue.