Update the Provider Activity Log

You use the provider activity log to record the activities, point in time occurrences, that are associated with the provider, provider members, or children placed with the provider. You can edit an activity log record in "Draft" status. (See Correct an activity log narrative for instructions on clarifying an activity in "Completed" status.)

Update the provider activity log as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click the Provider tab.

  2. Click the Workload tab. The Workload screen appears.

  3. Click the Select link for the provider who's record you want to view. The Provider Overview screen appears.

  4. Click Activity Log in the navigation bar on the left. The Activity Log Filter Criteria screen appears.

  5. Click the Edit link to update an activity, or click Add Activity Log to create a new activity record. The Activity Log Details screen appears.

  6. Complete the fields on the screen. You must complete at least these fields:

    Responsible Worker
    Activity Start Date
    Contact Type
    Activity State

  7. Click Save. You are returned to the Activity Log Filter Criteria screen.