View Completed Provider Inquiries

An inquiry is created when an individual contacts an agency representative about becoming a foster or adoptive parent. This includes kinship providers. Contacts may be made in person, in writing, or by phone. An inquiry is complete when the application was received and a "screened in" decision was recorded. At that point, the worker can link the completed inquiry to an existing provider record or create new provider record.

If you work at a public agency, you can view inquiries of any agency. If you work at a private agency, Ohio SACWIS allows you to view the inquiries made to your own agency.

 View completed inquiries as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click the Provider tab.

  2. Click the Inquiry tab. The system defaults to the Inquiry Search tab; the Inquiry Search Criteria screen appears.

  3. Click the Completed Inquiries tab. The Assignment screen appears. It displays a list of completed inquiries.

  4. Click the View link next to the family name to see the details of the inquiry record. Or click Link to connect this inquiry record to a home provider record. (Agency providers and private providers do not appear through this search.)

See Record a provider inquiry for instructions on adding or updating an inquiry.