If a worker is to be removed from supporting a work item, you can end the worker's assignment. You can end an assignment as long as there is at least one other worker assigned to the work item. (If not, see Assign a work item or workload.) Additionally, as a supervisor, you can end your assignment to the work item as long as another supervisor remains assigned to it. Each work item must have at least one supervisor assigned to it.
To end a worker assignment, complete the following steps:
On the Home screen, click the Assignments tab. The Work Assignments screen appears. The screen displays the names of the workers in your unit.
Click the Worker Name link or the symbol to open the person's list of work items.
Click the Edit link next to the work item name. The Employee Assignment screen appears.
Complete the End Date field.
Write an explanation in the Comments field.
Click the Save button. You are returned to the Work Assignments screen.