The Decision tab in the reunification assessment record is used for record the decision for reunification based on the assessment. You will enter detailed narrative to describe how the family dynamics may change when the children return, and answer questions if the reunification is recommended, and explain the reason for the recommendation. You will also describe if any interventions needed to support the child's reunification. You will access each question through an Edit link next to the child's name/dob.
From this screen you will also Validate for Approval button, and the Process Approval button.
From the Reunification Details section, record the reunification decision as follows:
Enter details in the narrative field to describe how the family dynamics may change when the child or children returns.
In the Narrative Information section, click on the Edit link under the first question next to the child's name/date of birth. The Narrative Details screen appears.
In the Reunification Participant Response section, select the correct answer to the question.
Enter details to support the answer in the Narrative field.
Click the OK button. You are returned to the Assessing Reunification Readiness screen.
Click the Edit link next to each participant's name/dob for the remaining questions.
Select the appropriate answer for the question.
Enter details to support the answer in the Narrative field.
Click OK. You are returned to the Assessing Reunification Readiness screen.
Click the Save button to save the information entered and exit the record. You will be returned to the Reunification Assessment(s) screen.
Click the Next Task to follow the steps to validate, route, and approve the reunification assessment.