Record A/I Findings and Disposition
Findings and dispositions are recorded to document the outcome of an assessment. You record report dispositions on intakes of categories CA/N and family in need of services ("Stranger Danger" type). You record a report disposition for each allegation in the intake. (See About intake dispositions.)
The intake disposition is used in the calculation of the case disposition recorded as part of a family assessment, ongoing case A/I, or case review. The case disposition is equal to the highest report disposition recorded on the intake. For a CA/N intake involving an out-of-home setting, the case disposition is recorded as part of the specialized A/I.
Record investigation findings and disposition as follows.
From the Home screen, click the Case tab.
Click the Workload tab. The Case Workload screen appears.
Click the Case ID Number link of the case you want to update. The Case Overview screen appears.
Click the Intake List link in the menu on the left. The Current Case Episode Intake List screen appears. It lists each intake that is associated with this case record.
Click Record Disposition(s). The Intake Dispositions screen appears. It lists the intakes on which report dispositions are recorded.
Record report dispositions for each allegation in the intake.
Repeat steps 5-6 for each alleged child victim on the intake.
Click the Contributing Factors tab. The Contributing Factors screen appears.
Select the check box next to each factor that applies to this intake. You must select at least one contributing factor.
If the report dispositions are complete, select the
Disposition Complete check
box, then enter a date in the date field.
This check box is enabled only when a report disposition was entered
on each allegation of the intake. A report disposition may not be
changed after you select this check box and save the record.
Click Save.
If you selected the Disposition Complete
check box:
The system calculates and displays the case disposition and the disposition
date/time on the Intake Disposition
screen for the case. The case disposition is taken from the highest
report disposition on the intake.
Repeat steps 5-11 for each intake record associated with this case record.
Click Close. You are returned to the Current Case Episode Intake List screen.