Process: Record a specialized assessment/investigation
You record an assessment of safety to describe:
Signs of present danger (safety factors) identified during the investigation
Historical information that contributes to present danger for this child
Child vulnerability that contributes to child safety
Protective capacities of the parent(s)/substitute caregiver(s) as applicable
Strengths and resources the out-of-home care setting or substitute caregiver has that reduce, control and/or prevent threats of serious harm
You also document if the removal of the child(ren) from the substitute care setting is necessary to control any identified safety threats.
To record an assessment of safety, complete the following steps:
Click the Assessment of Safety tab. The Assessment of Safety screen appears. It lists a series of questions and abbreviated responses.
Click the Edit link next to a question. The Assessment of Safety Details screen appears. The question you selected appears above a narrative field.
Enter a detailed response to the question.
Click the Save button. You are returned to the Assessment of Safety screen.
Repeat steps 2 - 4 for each question on the screen.
Select Yes or No to respond to the mandatory questions at the bottom of the screen.
Click the Apply button to save the information.
Click Next Task below to continue.