Record Safety Plan Activities

Process: Record a safety plan

Once you have identified the participants, you identify the activities for which they are responsible, with the goal of ensuring the protection of the children. The safety plan identifies action steps, to which you assign specific activities. The action step identifies the safety factor(s) that require an “activity” to keep the child safe. That is, the action step identifies why the child is not safe, and the activity addresses what a specific individual will do to make sure the child is safe.

To record safety plan activities, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Maintain Safety Plan Participants screen, click the Action Steps tab. The Safety Threats and Serious Harm screen appears. The Safety Plan Action Steps section lists the action steps that have already been added to this safety plan.

  2. To update an existing action record, click the Edit link and modify the content as needed.

  3. To enter a new action, enter content into the Identify the safety threat(s) and serious harm from which the child(ren) needs protection text box.

  4. Click the Add Action Steps button. The Safety Plan Action Step Details screen appears.

  5. Click the Edit link to update an existing activity record.

  6. Click Add Activity to add a new activity. The screen displays a narrative text box to describe the activity and lists the participants responsible for the activity.

  7. Enter or update the narrative describing the activity in detail.

  8. Click the Add Responsible Party button to identify a participant who is responsible for the activity. The Responsible Party Details screen appears.

  9. In the Name field, select the case member or the associated person who is responsible.

  10. If needed, click Person Search, then locate and select another individual.

  11. In the Phone field, enter the phone number of the person responsible (name who is listed).

  12. Click the Save button.

  13. Repeat the steps above for each person responsible for this activity record.

  14. When complete, click the Save button. You are returned to the Safety Plan Activity Details screen.

  15. Click Next Task to continue.