Record the Participants in a Family Assessment

Process: Record a family assessment

You must identify the participants who are being assessed in the family assessment and record their relationships to one another.  The system reflects the primary and secondary caregivers identified on the Case Detail screen. You then record the relationships among these and other participants.

If a safety assessment was completed on this case, the system automatically applies the child and adult participants from the safety assessment.

To record the family assessment participants, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Participant Information screen, click the Add Child button. The Available Participants screen appears. It lists all the case participants.

  2. Select the check box next to each child who is a participant in this family assessment.

  3. If needed, select the participant's role from the Role field drop-down list.

  4. Click the Save button. You are returned to the Participant Information screen.

  5. Click the Add Adult button. The Available Participants screen appears. It lists all the case participants.

  6. Select the check box next to each adult who is a participant in this family assessment.

  7. If needed, select the participant's role from the Role field drop-down list.

  8. Click the Save button. You are returned to the Participant Information screen.

  9. Click the Apply button to the save the information.

  10. Click Next Task below to continue.