the date on which the worker started this job assignment.
Use the format MM/DD/YYYY. This field is required.
If the worker is
no longer in this job assignment, enter the date on which
the assignment ended. Use the format MM/DD/YYYY.
Select the county
to which the worker is assigned. The county you select in
here drives the selections available in the following fields.
This field is required.
Select the agency
to which the worker is assigned. The drop-down list displays
the agencies within the county you selected in the previous
field. This field is required.
Select the unit
to which the worker is assigned. The drop-down list displays
the units within the agency you selected in the previous field.
Select the worker's
supervisor. This drop-down list displays the supervisor(s)
for the agency you selected in the previous field. If
the only change made on this screen to the supervisor, the
system does not create a new job role record for the worker.
Select the worker's
job title. This field is required.