This screen allows you to enter details on an appeal of a ruling from a court hearing held for a child with an open case in the system. (See About legal actions and delinquency participants)
You cannot have multiple appeals without an appeal outcome for the same person (appealing the ruling) and the same values selected in the Ruling(s) Received being appealed within a given ruling record. You will get a validation message upon save: Cannot have overlapping appeal records without an appeal outcome for the same person (appealing the ruling) and the same values selected in the Ruling(s) Received being appealed.
The appeal information details page is locked once the appeal outcome date and appeal outcome has been recorded and saved. Exception: Historical records will not have either an appeal outcome date or an appeal outcome and therefore will remain enabled.
When an appeal record has been created/saved (and no appeal outcome has been entered) and the legal status involved in appeal is marked as yes, a notification will be sent to users with a role of adoption worker and the primary worker assigned to the case from which the ruling was created as well as their respective supervisors; and court workers for the case owning agency. The notification message: An appeal record has been recorded for <child name: person ID> for a Ruling against Ruling(s) Received and the child’s current legal status record.
Display most recent appeal record on top by appeal file date (descending order) and if the appeal file date is the same on more than one appeal record then there is no specific order.
When the user saves appeal record with an outcome of Appeal Sustained
/Ruling Vacated, a notification will be sent. The notification message:
An appeal record has been resolved with
an Appeal outcome of Appeal Sustained /Ruling Vacated for
When the user saves appeal record with an outcome of Appeal Overruled /Ruling Upheld and the Legal Status involved in Appeal is marked as yes, a notification will be sent to users with a role of adoption worker and the primary worker assigned to the case from which ruling was created as well as their respective supervisors; and court workers for the case owning agency. The notification message: An appeal record has been resolved with an Appeal outcome of Appeal Overruled /Ruling Upheld for <child name: person ID>. Please review the original Ruling record to determine if there is any impact to the Case Management services for this child.
Record and Group Legal Action Independently
Record Court Hearing Information
5101:2-47-09 Case record requirements for foster care maintenance (FCM)
5101:2-33-23 Case records for children services
5101:2-42-07 Extension of Agreement for Temporary Custody of Child (JFS 01645)
5101:2-42-08 Acceptance of temporary custody by agreement and court-approved extensions
5101:2-53-03 Determination of Indian status, tribal eligibility and membership
5101:2-42-68 Necessity for continued substitute care placement: court reviews and hearing requirements
5101:2-42-95 Obtaining permanent custody: termination of parental rights
[cm01 s02]