Complaint details, (create complaint)

This screen allows you to view, add, or update the details of a complaint in Ohio SACWIS. Complete this screen to create a new complaint record and generate a document that you will file with the court.  (See About legal actions and delinquency participants.)

The Person Search buttons allow you to locate and select the person filing the complain and the affiant, whose person profiles are entered in the system.

In the Parties to the Case area, the parties' names are listed for selection to be added, or removed.

The Preferred Disposition area provides the user to select the primary, secondary dispositions and other allegations, then enter the detailed narratives for each. Select to Associate Allegations which then allows the selections of the ORC details pertaining to the selected allegations.   

If you created a complaint record in error, you must end the complaint record and select Created in Error in the Reason for Ending Complaint field. However, you cannot mark any legal action as created in error when another legal action is currently linked to it.

How do I...

Create a legal complaint

Amend a legal complaint record

Record a legal complaint

Amend a legal complaint record


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Fields on this screen



[CM01h s01]