This screen allows you to view a history of a child's adoption subsidies and reviews. You can also add a subsidy from here. Ohio SACWIS allows you to determine whether the adoptive family and child are eligible for federal adoption assistance or a State adoption subsidy. See About adoption subsidy reports
The View link allows you to open the subsidy request record for viewing. The Edit link appears for a subsidy request record in "Pending" status. You can delete a record only if it is in "Pending" status. The Report link allows you to print documents concerning the subsidy request record. The Appeal link appears when the status of the subsidy request is "Approved" or "Denied". The link allows you to record the appeal decision.
The Add Subsidy button allows you to add a new subsidy request. It is enabled when the child and provider have been selected on this screen.
You cannot add a new request for IV-E Adoption Assistance (AA) when:
A pending or approved AA request currently exists on the child's case.
A denied request for an AA subsidy exists on the child's case and the adoptive parents have not changed.
A pending or approved State Adoption Maintenance Subsidy (SAMS) request exists on the case
Similarly, you cannot add new request for a SAMS when a pending or approved AA or SAMS subsidy already exists.
View a history of adoption subsidies and reviews
Determine eligibility for an adoption subsidy
Print an adoption subsidy letter
Print a notice of Denial of your Application for Assistance
Record an adoption subsidy appeal decision
Delete a subsidy request record
5101:2-49-01 Administration of the adoption assistance program
5101:2-49-03 Special needs criteria for adoption assistance
[FM19 s01]