Child Harm Details (family assessment) screen

The Child Harm Details screen displays all intakes that required a disposition, which are intake categories of CA/N (all types) or Family in Need of Services (type "Stranger Danger"). These include intakes that involved any of the children selected from available participants. This screen is where you will document child harm details with regard to current harm, and historical harm. If there are other cases, refer to them to fully document the needs of the family. You will click on the next to each. The expand full screen link above the narrative field opens the work area and keeps the question displayed above the narrative field while documenting the details. An exit full screen link will display to return you to the default view of the screen. You can add, or edit the information until the family assessment has been approved.

The Current Harm table displays each child selected from available participants, with the intake ID link, intake's category/type and screening decision date. In the narrative field below; for each child, you will identify and describe the type, degree, and frequency of actual harm or threatened harm that does not meet the threshold of serious harm, OR does reach the threshold of serious harm and was not identified in the safety assessment. Include all information obtained with regard to the allegations of child abuse, neglect and/or dependency.

The Historical Harm table displays intakes for each child who were included in historical reports of abuse and/or neglect. In the narrative field below; include the dates of report, types of maltreatment for each child. Include the dates of the report, type of maltreatment, identification of the ACV/CSR(s) and AP/ASR(s), the case disposition and case outcome(s) for example closed, transferred to ongoing services, child placed in out of home care.  

How do I...

Record a family assessment

Record a safety review

Reference Child Welfare Practice Application

Guidance Articles on Protective Capabilities, and Child Vulnerabilities

Child Vulnerabilities List

Related Policy

5101:2-37-03 PCSA requirements for completing the family assessment

Fields on this screen


[IV08 s07]