This screen displays the participants selected for the family assessment. Next to each adult participant, the details selected will display if there is a risk factor, no risk factor, or if a risk factor is unknown with regard to the caretaker's victimization of other children; caretaker's abuse/neglect as a child; and the impact any past services may have. You will click the edit link next to the participants name to record these details. The narrative field below this table is where you will document the details for each adult that supports the ratings. You will describe the impact of other household members on each adult; how the individual elements impact one another. Describe any strengths each adult has in relation to the assessment. You will be able to select the edit link, and make edits to the narrative until the family assessment is approved. Once the family assessment is approved, this screen is view only.
Comprehensive Risk Assessment Field Guide
Strengths and Needs Risk Assessment List
Guidance Article Protective Capabilities
Adult Protective Capabilities List
5101:2-37-03 PCSA requirements for completing the family assessment
[IV08 s13]