Case Analysis Decision (family assessment) screen

This screen displays two links; the Case Decision, and Service Planning links. The system defaults to case decision. The Case Decision screen displays the system generated Preliminary Matrix-Indicated Case Decision (PMICD) based on the most severe case disposition and the final risk level. The Discretionary Override Information area allows you to override the matrix indicated decision, select the discretionary reason for the override, and describe the reason in detail. The Final Case Decision area requires an evaluation of the decision to include details that summarize why you are making the specific final decision. If the matrix indicated decision is to close, and you select to transfer the case to ongoing as the final decision, the system will display an error message indicating the number of validation errors, and the explanation of each.

How do I...

Record a family assessment

Record a case analysis

Reference Child Welfare Practice Application

Comprehensive Risk Assessment Field Guide

Strength and Needs Risk Assessment List

Related Policy

5101:2-37-03 PCSA requirements for completing the family assessment

Fields on this screen


[IV08 s18]