As the home study assessor, you use this screen to view a decision regarding the recommendation to approve or certify this provider.
If you are a reviewer, you use this screen to view or enter a certification decision. The Process Approval button displays the Process Approval screen on which you record your decision. The system provides you, as the reviewer, with a few options:
You can record your approval or denial of the assessor's recommendation, or return it for re-work.
If the recommendation involves a waiver, variance, or rule violation, you record your response to the assessor's recommendation on the Administrative Rules tab.
On the Administrative Rules tab you can record a decision to revoke the license because of other rule violations and reject the recommendation.
You can accept the rule violations but decide not to revoke the license.
If the reviewer approves the provider, the system automatically creates a service credential record, with a default status of "Active."
View a recommendation for approval or certification
Approve a recommendation for certification
5101:2-5-22 Recommendations for initial foster home certification
5101:2-5-24 Foster home recertifications
5101:2-48-11 Approval of a foster home for adoptive placement
5101:5101:2-48-12 Completion of the adoption homestudy
5101:2-48-12.2 Required notification and adoption homestudy amendments
2-48-11.1 Foster caregiver adoption of a foster child or sibling group who has resided with the caregiver for at least six consecutive months
[RM04 s05]