Provider match

This screen allows you to match the services and profile of a provider with the needs and profile of a child or family. To find a match, you enter search criteria for the provider and the child. If you open this screen from the case record, the child's information is automatically entered in the match criteria.

Along with profile matching, the system allows you to select a known provider, including adoptive families, by name or identifier as long as this provider is credentialed for the desired service.

The system matches only providers who are properly credentialed and meet the following criteria:

For home and residential providers, the system displays in the Agency column the recommending agency identified by the provider type. For non-ODJFS providers, the Agency column reflects the agency responsible for creating the provider type record. (See About provider information.)

Click the Additional Search Criteria links allow you to narrow your search to other provider and/or child characteristics. The Clear Form button allows you to erase your entries and re-enter your search criteria.

The Generate Report button appears once you conduct the search. This button allows you to print the search results.

How do I...

Match a provider with a client

Record a placement request

Record placement information

Related policies

5101:2-5-13 Required agency policies, plans and procedures

5101:2-48-05 Agency adoption policy and recruitment plan

Fields on this screen


[RM19a s01]