eligibility for IV-E FCM
Information about the family's resources and income is recorded according to the family situation.
Gross monthly earnings in eligibility month is defined as the actual gross
earned income received in the month up to the point the child is removed.
In calculating gross income, the amount shall be rounded down to the nearest
whole dollar by dropping all cents in the weekly, biweekly, or semimonthly
Monthly income amounts shall be determined using the following calculations:
Income received on a weekly basis is multiplied by 4.3.
Income received biweekly (every two weeks) is multiplied by 2.15.
Income received semimonthly (twice a month) is multiplied by 2.
Reference Ohio Administration Code Rule 5101:7-1-02
Appendix A 5101:1-23-02 "Exempt income"
Appendix A 5101:1-23-03 "ADC: nonexempt income"
Appendix A 5101:1-23-041 "ADC: treatment of earned income of a dependent child"
Appendix A 5101:1-23-211 "ADC: self-employment operating expenses"
Appendix A 5101:1-23-212 "ADC: establishing annual gross earned income from self-employment"
Appendix A 5101:1-23-213 "ADC: distributing monthly income from self-employment earnings"
Subtract "Out-of-Pocket Child Care Expenses" are the actual child care costs that are paid by the family (child care paid by a vendor, e.g., CDJFS is not included). Allowable expenses are:
An amount equal to the actual cost not to exceed $120 per child when the family member is employed part-time. Part-time is defined as less than 35 hours per week.
An amount equal to the actual cost not to exceed $175 per child over the age of two years old when the family members is employed full-time. Full-time is defined as 35 hours of more per week.
An amount equal to the actual cost not to exceed $200 per child under the age of two years old when the family member is employed full-time. Full-time is defined as 35 hours or more per week.
Reference Ohio Administration Code Rule 5101:7-1-02
Appendix A 5101:1-23-033 "ADC: disregards of earned income"
Total Earned Income" is the net countable amount after the work disregard and the out-of-pocket child care expenses.
Reference Ohio Administrative Close Rule 5101:7-1-02
Appendix A 5101:1-23-035 "ADC: program eligibility for applicants"
Total "Countable Unearned Income" is the amount of nonexempt unearned income received by the family member.
Reference Ohio Administrative Code Rule 5101:7-1-02
Appendix A 5101:1-23-031 "ADC: unearned income"
Appendix A 5101:1-23-06 "ADC and DA: relocation assistance"
Appendix A 5101:1-23-08 "ADC: bona fide loans"
Appendix A 5101:1-23-09 "ADC: educational grants & scholarships for college expenses
Appendix A 5101:1-23-012 "ADC: contributions for shared living expenses"
Appendix A 5101:1-23-013 "ADC: casual income"
Appendix A 5101:1-23-014 "ADC: and DA: income in kind"
Appendix A 5101:1-23-017 "ADC: earned income tax credit"
Subtract "Out-of-Pocket Child Care Expenses" are the actual child care costs that are paid by the family (child care paid by a vendor, e.g., CDJFS is not included). Allowable expenses are:
Click one of the links below for instructions on completing the budget worksheet that applies to this child's family.
Minor parent living with parent(s)
Undocumented alien