Print Reports and Documents

Most documents, for example, JFS forms and reports, statistical reports, checklists, letters, notifications, and Medicaid cards, are considered "reports" in Ohio SACWIS. A report is any document the system generates by pulling information from the Ohio SACWIS database.

Generally, there are several ways to generate a report or document from the system. Some examples of generating reports are:

Saving a Report or Document to the History

One way to save a form, letter, report or other document is to generate it and save it to the document history in Ohio SACWIS.

The system does not save a report or document to the history in the Ohio SACWIS database until you instruct it to. This way, you can review the document for correctness and re-generate it if necessary before it is permanently saved.

When you save a report or document to the Ohio SACWIS database, it becomes part of a permanent history and is available for other workers to view and print.

To save a document to the Ohio SACWIS database, click the Save button that appears in the lower-left portion of the screen. When you click Save, you are returned to the originating screen, so it might be easier to print the document before you save it.

Many SACWIS statistical and list reports can also be saved into Excel. This allows the report information to be sorted in various ways.