During the normal course of work on a case or provider record, you will want to print certain documents. These are printed from the Report link on a list screen or on certain detail screens, as available.
For more information, see View or print a form, notice, or letter or View or print a standard report.
To print documents from this link, complete the following steps:
In the navigation bar on the left, select the link from which you want to generate a report.
Examples: If you want to print a safety plan, click the Safety Plan link. If you want to print an activity log, click the Activity Log link. The screen displays the resulting records in a table. Each table row displays a Reports link, if a report is available.
Click the Reports link for the record you want to print. The Document Details screen appears displaying any previously saved documents of the type you selected.
Click the ID link for the document or click Generate Report. The report appears in Excel or a PDF format.
To change the parameters, click the Review Parameters button. A parameter screen appears.
Click the Generate Report button.
To print the report, select File, then Print from your browser menu. Or, click the Print icon.
To save the report to the report history in Ohio SACWIS, click the Save button at the bottom of the screen. Or, click the Cancel button if you do not want to save the report.
If you opened an existing report, close the browser window to return to the previous screen.
The system does not save a report
or document to the history in the Ohio SACWIS database until
you instruct it to. This way, you can review the document for correctness
and re-generate it if necessary before it is permanently saved.