Process: Record a case profile
A person, for example, a teacher or neighbor, may have a connection to a case without being a case member or participant. In Ohio SACWIS, these individuals are considered associated persons. An individual cannot be an associated person and a case member in the same case at the same time. Identifying associated persons allows you to select these individuals as participants on certain work items later.
Record an associated person as follows:
From Case Information screen; click the Associated Persons tab. Any persons who have been added to the case as an associated person appear in a list.
Click Person Search to locate the person profile of the person you want to add as an associated person. Search for non-case members.
Create a new person profile if the person is not already in the system. When you create the person profile, the system returns to the Associated Person Detail screen.
Click Select next to the person associated. The Associated Persons Details screen appears.
Select from the Association field. Enter the Begin Date the person became associated.
Add a more specific description in the Description field.
Click Save. You are returned to the associated person list.
Click Save. You are returned the Case Overview screen.