Process: Record a case profile
Once the case participants have been established, you can identify the relationships among them, as follows:
From Case Information screen; click the Relationships tab. The Relationship Grid screen appears.
The system defaults the Active Members display in Member Status field. Select All Members from the Member Status field to see all members.
Click the Edit link for the case member. The Relationships screen appears. The name of the case member you selected appears above the table. The other members of this case are listed in the Name column.
In the Relationship drop-down lists, indicate how the person listed above the table is related to each case member listed in the Name column. The system automatically determines the reciprocal relationship.
Click Save. The Number of Unspecified Relationships column identifies how many case member relationships are not identified. This columns displays a 0 when all relationships are identified.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each member in the case.
Click Apply.
Click Next Task below to continue.