A person's address is part of the person profile. The address record includes the type of address as well as a flag indicating whether it is the person's primary address. In Ohio SACWIS, only one address of a particular type may be active at a time. Active addresses appear on the Person Address screen. Inactive addresses appear on the Person Address History screen
To update a person's address, complete the following steps:
Display the person profile.
Click the Address tab. The Person Address screen appears.
To correct the address type, effective dates, or the C/O and delivery details, click the Edit link next to the address type. The Address Details screen appears.
Correct the information, as needed.
Click the Save button. You are returned to the Person Address screen.
To add a new address, click the Add Address button. The Domestic Address Details search screen appears. See Record a person's address and contact information for more information.
When complete, click the Save button. You are returned to the Person Address screen.
To reactivate a previous address; click View Address History. The Person Address History screen appears.
Select Reactivate link next to the address you want reactivated. The Person Address screen appears.
Select the Primary Address radio button to change. The system automatically switches the primary address to show as Last Known Address and moves the previous address below the reactivated address.
Click Edit link. Select Address Type as Primary.
Click Save. You are returned to the Person Address screen. The new previous address goes in to the person's address history.
Click Save. You are returned to the screen from which you initially began the inquiry to make the correction.