Record a Person's Address and Contact Information

Process: Record a person profile

Ohio SACWIS maintains a history of a person's addresses, foreign as well as domestic. When you add an address on a person profile, Ohio SACWIS saves the address to the database and links it to the person record. Once an address has been added to the Ohio SACWIS database, it remains there to be associated with any other person profiles. All person profiles must have a primary address recorded.

To record the person's address from the Profile screen, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Address tab. A list of this person's addresses appears in the Person Address section. This person's email and telephone information appears in the Person Phone/Email section.

  2. To enter a new address, click the Add Address button. the Domestic Address Details screen appears. If the address is unknown, click the Add Unknown Address button.

  3. In the Address Lookup field; as you begin to enter the person's address, the system uses Google functionality to display the valid address that matches your entry. Select from the list of valid addresses.

  4. Select the Address Type and enter the Effective Date. The system defaults to today's date.

  5. Enter Location Details such as directions.

  6. Click the Search button. The system will display any valid addresses entered.

  7. Click the Select link next to the address. You are returned to the Person Address screen, which displays the address you selected as the primary address.

  8. In the Person Phone/Email table, click on the Add Phone/Email button. The Contact Details screen appears.

  9. Select from the contact Type drop down list. The screen is dynamic and will display the fields to complete based on the type selected or you can click in the Not Applicable check box.

  10. Click Save. You are returned to the Person Address screen. The contact information entered populates in the Person Phone/Email table.

  11. Click Next Task below to continue.