Record a person's background
The person overview includes links to record background information, such as the person's criminal history, if any. From Person Overview screen; record this information as follows:
Click the Background link. The Authentication Number (TCN) tab appears to display the Authentication Number (TCN) History recorded.
Click on the Criminal History tab. The Criminal History screen appears.
Select the answer to the question, Does the Person have a Criminal History from the drop down. If the answer is Yes, the Add Criminal History button is activated.
Click the Add Criminal History button. The Criminal History Details screen appears.
Record all details in the fields provided. Enter additional comments. Click on the Spell Check button is provided for the narrative entered.
Click Save. You are returned to the Criminal History screen. The details entered display in the table.
An Edit link allows you to edit the details or see the date, and by who the record was created/modified. Select the Delete link in the farthest right column to delete the record.
Click Next Task below to continue.