Process: Record
a financial profile
The employment record includes the person's expense history.
To record an expense record, conduct a Person Search. From the Person Overview screen, select the Employment link from the left hand navigation and complete the following steps:
From the Employment tab, click the Expenses tab. The Expense History screen appears.
If you want to limit the display to records with start dates since a certain month and year, enter the month and year in the Month/Year field. Enter a two-digit month and a four-digit year (MM/YYYY). Click the Filter button.
Select from the category of expenses in the Type drop down list.
Click the Add Expense button. The Expense Details screen appears.
Complete the fields on the
screen. You must complete at least these fields to save the record:
Effective Month/Year
Click the Save button. You are returned to the Expense History screen.
Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each expense this person has.
Click Close to return to the Person Overview screen. To record additional financial information on this person record, select from the tabs.
Click Next Task below to continue.