a medical profile
The medical profile includes any medical, dental, mental, and vision treatments this child has received, including any hospitalizations. It is also reflects any childhood illnesses this child has had.
To record these details, conduct a Person Search. From the Person Overview screen, complete the following steps:
Select the Medical from the left hand navigation. The Provider tab appears.
Click the Treatment tab. The Medical Records screen appears.
Indicate whether the child's medical records are available in the Availability of Medical and Immunization Records field drop down list.
If they're not available, explain why in the Reason(s) for Unavailability field.
In the field next to each childhood illness listed, indicate whether the child has had the illness (if you know).
To add a treatment, click the Add Treatment button. Or click the Edit link to update an existing treatment record. The Treatment Details screen appears. If the child has had no treatments, skip the next step.
Click Search Provider to locate and select the health care provider in the system. You are returned to the Treatment Details screen, and the provider's name appears in the Provider Name field.
Complete the rest of the fields on this screen. How
you complete this screen depends on the type of treatment the child
received. You must complete at least these fields to save the treatment
Treatment Type
Primary Service Type
Service Start Date
Click the Save button. You are returned to the Medical Records screen, Treatment tab. The treatment record you added is listed on this screen.
Click Apply to stay in the Medical Profile. Click Save or Cancel to return to the Person Overview screen
Click Next Task below to continue.