Process: Record basic provider information
The Caregivers tab is enabled for ODJFS, or home, providers so that you can identify the persons who provide care for children receiving services. (This tab is disabled for residential and non-ODJFS providers.)
For each provider caregiver, you must create a non-ODJFS provider profile. Then you can associate the person with the provider record here. You can add or update the profile while you update the provider record.
Update or add caregiver information for an ODJFS home provider as follows:.
Click the Caregivers tab on the Provider Name Information screen. The Caregiver Information screen appears. It displays a list of current caregivers.
Click the Edit link for the caregiver record you want to update. The Caregiver Screen appears.
Or click Add Caregiver to create a new caregiver record. The Person Search screen appears. Locate and select the person. The Caregiver Details screen appears
Complete the Caregiver Type and Effective Date fields.
If this caregiver is no longer associated with this provider, enter in the End Date field the date the caregiver left the provider.
Click OK. You are returned to the Caregiver Information tab.
Click Save. You are returned to the Provider Overview screen.