Record Basic Provider Information

The basic details of a provider record include the provider's name, type, status, address, members, caregivers, and capacity. You can display this information from the Provider Information link in the Provider Actions are of the Provider Overview screen or from the Basic Provider Information link on the home study record. (See About provider information for more details.)

How you add or update basic provider information depends on the type of provider:

If this is a new home or kinship provider, an inquiry record must be created first.


Record or update basic provider information as follows. If you reached the provider record from another screen, begin at step 1 below.

  1. Record the provider name.

  2. Record the provider type.

  3. Record the provider status.

  4. Record a provider's address and contacts.

  5. Record provider members.

  6. Record a provider's marital status

  7. Record provider caregivers.