View a Recruitment Plan

By May 1st of every year, agencies must submit their recruitment plan to ODJFS to describe their efforts to recruit qualified providers during the upcoming fiscal year. Your agency may use recruitment plans for specialized efforts, like finding homes for children who might be hard to place or adopt. Recruitment plans with type ”Other” are approved at the agency level and are not forwarded to the State for approval.

View a recruitment plan as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click the Provider tab.

  2. Select Recruitment. The system defaults to the Plan tab; the Recruitment Plan Filter Criteria screen appears.

  3. Enter the filter criteria. You can view all recruitment plans for the agency selected, or narrow your view to plans of a particular type, with certain effective dates, and so on.

  4. Click Filter. The recruitment plans that meet your criteria appear in the Recruitment Plans table.

  5. Click the View link next to the recruitment plan to see additional details about a plan. The Recruitment Plan Information screen appears.

  6. To view the complete narrative for a particular topic, click the View link. A Plan Detail screen appears.

  7. Click Close. You are returned to the Recruitment Plan Information screen.

  8. Click Close. You are returned to the Recruitment Plan Filter Criteria screen.

  9. To exit the screen, click the Home header link or other tab.

See Record a recruitment plan and activities or View a recruitment event for more.