Record Independent Living Plan Goals

Process: Record an Independent Living Plan

Part of the independent living plan includes the youth's goals for achieving self sufficiency. You add a number of requirements to the plan, then track when the goals are achieved. You can edit requirements records that have not been completed.

Record goals and requirements as follows:

  1. Click the Goals tab from the Independent Living Plan screen. The Independent Living Goals screen appears.

  2. Click the Edit link to update the status of an existing requirement, or click Add Requirement to add a new requirement, or goal. The Requirement Details screen appears.

  3. For a new requirement, complete these fields to provide a detailed description of the requirement:

    Requirement Type
    Effective Date


  4. Click Link Service to associate a case service intended to support the completion of this requirement. The Case Services Filter Criteria screen appears.

  5. Click the select link for the service you are associating with this independent living plan.

  6. Click OK. You are returned to the Independent Living Goals screen

  7. Click Next Task below to continue.

