This screen allows you to view, add, or update descriptions of the family's strengths, or non-risk contributors in the alternative response, (AR) family service plan. These aid in the development of the case plan and enable the family to meet the goals of the AR family service plan.
The system automatically fills in the family strengths recorded on the AR family assessment. You can update these on the AR family service plan as necessary. The AR family service plan record must include at least one strength record and one concern record.
The Edit link allows you to update the existing strength record, while the Delete link allows you to remove it from the AR family service plan. The Add Strength button allows you to add a new strength record to the AR family service plan.
Record or edit AR family service plan
Record or edit concerns in AR family service plan
Record strengths and update AR family service plan
Alternative Response in SACWIS: click here to see detailed instructions