Independent living goals

This screen is where you will select the youth's goal topics, and add them to the current plan. Goals can be added to the plan until the plan is saved as Closed.  

Once goals are added to the current plan, they will display in the Current Plan section on the screen with an Edit link. The edit link will take you to the  will display next to each topic added to the plan to allow you to identify and link service details to the goal.

Once services have been linked to the goal, they will display in the Completed Goals section on the screen with a View link.

How do I...

Record IL service goal

Record IL service information

Add IL service status/provider to a service goal

Add IL service frequency details

Link provider to an IL service goal

Add IL service goal to a service

Authorize an IL service goal

Link an IL service to an IL plan

Identify IL goal as completed

View an independent living plan

Record an independent living plan

Record Progress Toward Independent Living Goals

Record independent living plan goals and requirements


Related policies

5101:2-42-19 Requirements for the provision of independent living services to youth in custody

Fields on this screen


[CM44 s07]