This screen allows you to locate and select the child for whom you want to view Medicaid, MMIS, and HMO histories. The Person Search button opens the Person Search screen, from which you conduct your search.
View Medicaid, MMIS, and HMO histories
Generate a temporary Medicaid card
Record HMO enrollment
Record disenrollment from an HMO
5101:2-47-01 Administration of the Title IV-E foster care maintenance program (FCM).
5101:2-47-05 Title XIX medicaid coverage for Title IV-E foster care maintenance (FCM) recipients in accordance with the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)
5101:2-47-08 Required application/update for Title IV-D (child support) services and referrals to Title IV-A (public assistance); healthcheck; third party insurance; and supplemental security income (SSI)
[FM22a s01]