Indicate a Completed Intake
an intake
When all information for an intake has been recorded, the screener changes the intake status to Completed. The Intake Status field displays at the bottom of the screen on all intake tabs. Marking an intake as complete indicates to a screening decision maker that the intake is ready for review and screening decision. If complete is selected for an intake status and there are outstanding work items, the system will generate validation messages. After saving the intake status as Complete, it will no longer appear in the Intake Workload of the screener.
To change the intake status to "Completed," complete the following steps:
From the bottom of the screen on all tabs, click in the Intake Status drop down list.
Select Complete.
Click Save. The system returns you to the Intake Workload. The intake will display in a screening decision maker's Intake Workload with a Decision link.
Click Next Task below to continue.