an intake
Out-of-Home details are recorded on the Specialized tab of the intake. The system displays the Specialized tab if the intake requires a specialized assessment/investigation. This question is answered on the Basic tab.
The Out of Home Care Details screen is where you identify provider details of the OHC setting the alleged abuse and/or neglect took place. Included in the details is the licensing authority, a description of the caretaker's behavior and functioning, if known; the number of children the alleged perpetrator has access to, and their names.
When you complete the intake that involves a specialized assessment/investigation, the system sends a notification to the provider worker or workers responsible for the provider record of the facility.
Record the Out-of-Home Care details as follows:
Select the Specialized tab. The Out of Home Care Details screen appears.
Select the OHC Setting Type from the drop down list.
Click Search Provider button to locate the provider and/or facility that is indicated by this report.
Click the Select link next to the provider ID/name. The provider ID displays with the Facility Name & Address.
Select the Licensing Authority from the drop down list.
Answer the question, "Is the current behavior and functioning of the Caretaker known?" If, "Yes" a field will display to Describe the behavior and functioning.
Enter the Number of children Alleged Perpetrator has access to in the field provided.
Enter the Names of children Alleged Perpetrator has access to in the field provided.
Click Save to exit the intake. Click Apply to continue recording details.
Click Next Task below to see how to indicate a completed intake.