a Person Profile
Demographic information is recorded in two parts. Part 2 is a link from the Demographics tab to record information about a person's birth/adoption information; add alleged parent details; select languages & if an interpreter is needed; document the person's religion; their highest level of education; and record marital status. Part 1 is where you record a person's race, ethnicity, tribal affiliation, citizenship/alien status.
To record Part 2 Demographics, complete the following steps:
From the Demographics Part 1 screen, click on the Part 2 link. The Demographics Part 2 screen appears.
In the Birth/Adoption Information area; answer the questions for Previously Adopted, and if Yes, select the Age Adopted from the drop down list. Answer if Mother was Married at Time of Birth. These are required fields for all child person records.
In the Alleged Parent List area, to record this information click on the Add Alleged Parent button. The Alleged Parent Details screen appears. Select the Parental Status that applies from the drop down list. Click on the Person Search button to select the person record to populate the Alleged Parent Details screen. Click Save. You are returned to the Part 2 Demographics tab screen.
From the Other Demographics area, select all Available Languages the person speaks. Click the Add link. The languages selected appear in the Selected Language table. Select the box next to Interpreter Needed to identify limited English proficiency, LEP. An LEP will display on the Intake Header if this is checked.
Select the person's Religion from the drop down list. Enter the name in the Other field if the religion does not appear in the list.
Select from the Highest Level of Education drop down list. This is required for provider applicants.
Click in the box if the person is an Ohio Resident.
In the Marital Details area, Add marital relationship history details. This is required for Adult Case and Provider members.
Click Apply to remain in the person's Profile. Click Save or Cancel to be returned to the Person Overview screen.
Click on Next Task to continue.