a person profile
Demographic information is recorded in two parts. Part 1 is where you will record a person's race, ethnicity, tribal affiliation, citizenship/alien status. Part 2 is a link to record demographics on a person's birth/adoption information, add alleged parent, languages & if an interpreter is needed; religion, highest level of education and marital status.
To record Part 1 Demographics, complete the following steps:
From the person Profile, click the Demographics tab. Part 1 screen displays. There are two parts to record person demographics.
From the Race field; select each box next to the race that applies. You can select more than one.
From the Ethnicity/Ancestry field; select the appropriate answer from the Hispanic/Latino drop down list.
From the Available Ancestry field; select each that apply and click the Add> button. You can select more than one. The ones you select appears in the Selected Ancestry table. To remove; select each, then click the <Remove button.
From the Indian Child Welfare Act Information field; click the Add ICWA Details button. This is required for all child person records. Answer if the child has possible tribal affiliation. Complete the remaining fields as necessary. Click Save to return to the Demographics Part 1 screen.
From Citizenship/Alien Status, enter or select criteria that applies.
Click Next Task below for steps to complete Part 2 Demographics.