Process: Record a provider inquiry
After the applicant's initial inquiry, a number of follow-up activities take place. These activities are added to the inquiry record. At a minimum, you must record, as activities, that an application was provided and then returned to the agency.
If this is a kinship provider for whom an application is not required by your agency, you still need to create an activity indicating that an application was given and another activity to indicate that the application was returned. In the Comments field on each activity, enter something like "This is a kinship provider interested in [child name] - no application given or received."
Record inquiry follow-up activities as follows:
Click the Activity/Decision tab. The Decision screen appears.
Click Add Activity to create a new activity record. The Activity Information screen appears. To update follow-up activities, click the Edit link next to the activity record you want to update.
Select the activity in the Activity field.
Enter the date in the Date of Activity field.
Enter any additional information about the activity in the Comments field.
Click OK. You are returned to the Decision screen.
When you enter activities that the application was given to the inquirer and returned, you can select Screened In - Application Received. When you save this selection, the system completes the inquiry record. No further changes may be made to the inquiry record at this point.
Select the Edit link. You are taken to the Decision screen. From the drop down, select Application Received. Click OK.
From Decision field, select Screen In - Application Received.
Click Save. You are returned to the Inquiry Search Criteria screen.
Next Task below to continue.